Durable gas masks can also be found throughout Caldera, but they're rarer.It's a good idea to keep one on you at all times, especially for the later portion of the match.Gas masks single-use items that will run out after 10 seconds.Keep an eye on the bars next to the mask that indicates how much health the gas mask has.The gas mask icon is located at the bottom left of your screen next to your armor and health.You can only carry one gas mask at a time.An animation will automatically trigger where your character will take off their mask, which in turn gives you less control of your weapon. The same can also be said for entering into the safe zone from the ring of gas.This can be frustrating if an enemy is in front of you as you're unable to aim down sight. The only issue with the gas mask is that the animation can't be controlled, meaning that if going into the gas, an animation of your character putting on the mask will start to play, giving you less control of your gun.

If you become overrun by gas, your character will automatically place it over their head. In fact, there isn't anything you need to do. Once you get your hands on one, they're extremely easy to use.Gas masks can also be bought at the buy station for $3,000.You can also loot them from bodies-friend or foe. You have a higher chance of earning one if you complete Scavenger Contracts. Gas masks can be found in Supply Boxes around the map.

Where to find a Gas Mask and What to Know